THE MISSION: Bring Great Glory to a Great Savior by telling people what Jesus did for great sinners and inspiring others to do the same.

November 30, 2009

Day 161 - A Rare "Thank You"

Jesus healed ten lepers one day. Leprosy was one of the most feared diseases of Jesus' day. Amazingly, only one of the lepers actually thanked him. That's how most treat Jesus today. He gives us the next breath--which we don't deserve--and most people never thank him. He provided the only way of salvation--though we don't deserve that either--and most people don't thank him.

This morning, I walked into our hotel's restraurant to get some coffee. Pablo walked up to me with a big smile on his face. Pablo, a waiter who served us breakfast the previous morning, thanked me over and over for the million dollar bill gospel tract I left him with my tip that morning. I had circled the million dollar question on the back--will you go to heaven when you die--and wrote: "Be sure you know the answer, Pablo!" I then underlined the answer on the tract.
He told me that he read it, took it home, read it to his family, and taped it up at his locker at work where he changes into his waiter's attire. He said his grandmother told him that God puts people in our path for a reason. He kept thanking me and smiling. I told him it was my pleasure to share that tract with him and the gospel, because "we can't take anything with us out of this life and into the next except other people!" I told him I would bring him some more tracts to share with his family and friends.
I pray he will turn into a blazing soul-winner. What a refreshing joy to have someone come back and go out of their way to thank me. It encouraged me to be reminded how vital it is to simply leave tracts behind and pass them out even if you don't have a chance to share one-to-one with someone. God will use His written word on the tracts just as much our spoken words!
Later this evening, as Caleb and I went out for dinner on the town, we talked with the young lady working at a gift shop. We urged her to seriously consider the gospel message on the tract.
We talked to Helini, an elderly woman who escaped Poland as a little girl but was shot in the leg when the Nazi's invaded. She was trusting in her good works to get to heaven until we shared the gospel with her and urged her to repent and trust Christ, explaining to her the difference between merely confessing her sins (an admission of guilt), versus also repenting of them (not only confessing them, but also turning from them to the Lord).

Lastly, we talked to Lawrence, an elderly man who admitted his guilt before the Lord but didn't know what Jesus said one must do to be saved. He wanted to know, especially after we explained to him that the bible very clearly says all liars and thieves will have their part in the lake of fire, which is the second death (Rev. 21). We urged him to repent and trust Christ before it's too late.

The harvest is PLENTIFUL. Caleb and I then prayed for all of the seeds that we had sown today, that the Lord would cause them to spring up into a great harvest.

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