THE MISSION: Bring Great Glory to a Great Savior by telling people what Jesus did for great sinners and inspiring others to do the same.

July 7, 2010

Day 372 - Skateboarding Blindly to Hell

Two young men on skateboards stood outside of the office building where I work, soaking up the cool air conditioning blowing out of the open glass doors into the 95 degrees of muggy heat.  I handed them a gospel tract and asked them if they knew whether they would go to heaven or hell when they die.  They both believed they would go to heaven.  They attended a baptist church in town and were involved in a youth group of skateboarders. 

When I asked why they believed they were going to heaven, they gave answers that were wrong and did not know the correct answer.  One said he believed God forgives everyone even if you don't ask for forgiveness.  God is definitely forgiving.  However, the bible makes crystal clear God does not forgive everyone.  Though no one can escape the love of God, only those who repent and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will escape the just wrath and condemnation of God (Mk. 1:15; John 3).  God commands all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:31).

I asked the young men if they knew what Jesus said to do to be saved and know with certainty that your destiny will be heaven.  They did not know.  It's amazing that most people I ask don't know what Jesus said about salvation.  Jesus said unless a person is born again, he will NOT see the kingdom of heaven (John 3:3).  Jesus explained that to be born again, one must (1) repent of one's sins (confess them to God, cry out for forgiveness, and turn from them to God) and (2) believe in the source and method of salvation prescribed by God (see John 3:14-16 (referring to the bronze serpent in the wilderness and the salvation of the sinning Israelites); Mk. 1:15).

I confirmed that these young men believed that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross to pay the penalty for their sins.  I then urged them to repent before it's too late.  Finally, I urged them to make sure all of their friends and loved ones knew this vital truth and repent and trust in Christ while there's time left, because the only thing you take with you to heaven is yourself and other people.

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