THE MISSION: Bring Great Glory to a Great Savior by telling people what Jesus did for great sinners and inspiring others to do the same.

May 22, 2012

Joyce's Fatal Error: The Gospel Confused.

Joyce told me this morning she was saved and on her way to heaven.  "That's great," I replied.  "How do you know for sure?" I asked.  "I try to be good," she answered.  That answer revealed Joyce's fatal error.  She had a confused and wrong understanding of the gospel, a gospel that she thought would save her, but a gospel that cannot save and would not save her.

Jesus said you must be perfect to get into the Kingdom (Matt 5). And the Bible makes crystal clear no one is good enough to get into heaven by their own "good" deeds, because all have sinned and fall far short of God's perfect moral standard (e.g. Rom. 3:10, 23). 

What do you say to a sincere person like Joyce who is heading to hell while clinging to a false gospel?  One thing's certain:  if we love people, we will share the truth in love with gentleness and respect.

Before I tell you what I shared with Joyce, watch the following clip that reveals how a major, popular ministry in the US has promoted a confused, misleading gospel that cannot save.  As you watch this video, examine yourself with regard to your knowledge of the gospel and how you share it with people.  Do you share the full gospel message with love, compassion, and urgency?

I asked Joyce if she would like to know what Jesus said she must do to be saved.  She said she did want to know.  So I had the privilege of explaining the truth that Jesus said she must (1) repent and (2) believe in Jesus' substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection to receive the righteousness she needs to enter heaven and God's presence for eternity (e.g., Mark 1:15; 1 Cor. 15:1-3; 2 Cor. 5:21).

I have had the privilege of sharing the gospel with countless people over the years. One thing is clear. The gospel message has become greatly confused, misunderstood, and even totally lost to many who claim to be "Christians."  This is a huge tragedy. We must be clear about the gospel, because only the pure, unadulterated, accurate gospel saves, much like only the right medicine in the right dosage will save.

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