THE MISSION: Bring Great Glory to a Great Savior by telling people what Jesus did for great sinners and inspiring others to do the same.

June 10, 2009

Day 3 - Witnessing Daily - All in the Family

All in the Family. Outside our Lodge here at Big Cedar in Branson, there's a place where people catch a shuttle to take them to various locations throughout the Ozark resort. It's a perfect fishing hole. I had some bait left over from Silver Dollar City -- about six million dollar bills -- so I put them in my pocket and picked out a nice spot on a bench while waiting for a divine fishing appointment. Within a few minutes, a family walked up, waiting for the shuttle to arrive and whisk them off to their destination. They were engaged in some small talk so I politely joined in on it. I pulled out the bills and asked them if they'd received their "stimulus" money yet and passed them out. Had enough for the whole family! They laughed and enjoyed checking them out. I then told them that they were gospel tracts and had the million dollar question on the back. Turns out they were believers and loved the tracts. They really appreciated receiving them. I encouraged them to pass them along to someone else who may not know what their eternal destiny will be. As their shuttle pulled up, we shook hands and exchanged and God bless you's. When I witness to believers, I pray that they will be emboldened to begin to step out in faith and share the Word of Life with others.

C-Store John. As our family headed out for the evening to attend the Pierce Arrow show in Branson, we stopped at a C-Store to fill up our van. No one else was there, so I thought this might be a perfect opportunity to share with the attendant. After paying for the gas, I gave the attendant a tract that is a silver coin. It has the 10 Commandments on one side and the gospel on the other. I asked him if he'd received one of them before, and he said he hadn't. I told him it was a priceless coin. He looked at it and then back at me. I asked him if he knew why it was priceless. He said, "because it talks about God?" "Because it can predict your eternal destiny," I answered. "I believe my eternal destiny is heaven," he said. "That's great!" I replied.

Me: So you think you're good enough to get into heaven?

John: Yeah, I'm a pretty good person.

Me: Do you mind if I ask you some questions to see if that's true?

John: Sure.

Me: What's your name?

John: John.

Me. Have you ever told a lie, John?

John: Yes.

Me. What's that make you?

John. A fibber.

Me. (Holding back the chuckle) That's right.

I went through some of other commands, the 8th (don't steal), the 3rd (don't use the Lord's name in vain), the 7th (adultery), and he honestly admitted he'd broken them all.

Me. So, John, by your own admission you've broken four of the 10 commands and we haven't looked at the other six. If God judges you by that standard, will you be innocent or guilty.

John. Guilty.

Me. Will your destiny be heaven or hell?

John. I believe it will be heaven, because God is forgiving.

I asked John if he understood how the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ was a legal transaction to satisfy God's justice in order grant John mercy, and he understood the concept. I asked him if he knew the two things that Jesus said one needs to do in order to get the benefit of His sacrifice and inherit eternal life. He didn't answer. I explained to him what Jesus said in Mark 1:15, that we must (1) repent and (2) believe. I asked him if he had repented of his sins and if he was trusting in Jesus Christ alone for his salvation. He affirmed that he had taken those steps. As another customer walked in, I told John I was glad he was trusting in Christ alone for salvation and told him it was great to meet him. He shook my hand and thanked me for the coin. Maybe we'll see John there some day!

1 comment:

  1. Chris,

    Thanks for detailing this journey. It emboldens me to step out in my everyday conversations; focusing on things eternal. Besides, you are right. We don't know how much time is left.

    I look forward to reading more...

    In Christ,
    Aaron A.
