THE MISSION: Bring Great Glory to a Great Savior by telling people what Jesus did for great sinners and inspiring others to do the same.

July 27, 2009

Day 50 - Assuring Shannon. Pleading with Pam.

A few moments into the conversation, I realized that I had spoken with Shannon before at the courthouse. The last time I spoke with her, she broke down in tears over her inability to overcome certain besetting sins. I assured her that "there is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus . . . . (Rom. 8:1)" Today, she reaffirmed that she had repented of her sins and was trusting in Jesus alone for her salvation, but she was concerned about her lack of knowledge of God's will for her life. I asked her if she would like to know His will for her life. She said, yes. I told her it's God's will that she first must be born again, or else she will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (John 3). Since she seemed to have crossed that essential bridge, I then explained that it's God's will that she grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3:18). I told her that Jesus said a key way to do that is by reading His Word daily and asking Him to help her understand and obey what she reads (Matt. 4:4; John 8:31-32). She would then begin to know more and more of the truth that would set her free from her besetting sins (John 8:31-32). I then shared that it's God's will for her life to learn to "fish" for others (Matt. 4:19). I also encouraged her not to ignore assembling together with other believers so she could be encouraged in her faith and her walk and her growth and receive assistance. I told her about TBC's Reformers Unanimous program on Friday nights and gave her a TBC card with our address and contact information. We had a good talk, and I tried to assure Shannon in her faith and encourage her in God's will for her life. It seemed to comfort her. I hope it did and that she will get plugged in to TBC or another good fellowship of believers.

Then there was Pam. She was sitting by herself smoking at one of the benches outside of the courthouse. Pam did not know what her eternal destiny would be if she died today, but she told me that she would like to know how she could know for sure what her destiny would be. I love that answer. I gladly explained the gospel with her "Way of the Master" style. I then asked her if she had ever repented of her sins and trusted Christ alone for her salvation. She said, no. I asked her when she was going to do it, because she didn't knew when her last day would be--today could very well be her last chance to obey the Gospel. She said she didn't know when she was going to take those crucial steps. I asked her what was holding her back. She said she didn't know (but I think she really did know). I asked her she knew about the Apostle Paul. She said she did. I asked her if she knew that the Apostle Paul said that he literally pleaded with people to be reconciled to God before it's too late. She hadn't heard that before. I told her, "Pam, I'm pleading with you know to repent and trust Christ before it's too late. There's nothing better you could with your life than commit it fully to the Lord and begin following Him!" "When are you going to repent and trust Christ, Pam?" "Today," she said. "That's great," I replied. I wished her well with her upcoming court proceedings and gave her a blessing in the name in the Lord. I pray she did repent and trust Christ today and made it real with Him!

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