THE MISSION: Bring Great Glory to a Great Savior by telling people what Jesus did for great sinners and inspiring others to do the same.

November 25, 2018

Sandy: The Light of the World

Trip to the grocery store or mission trip? Or both? Both. Before going in, I reloaded on gospel tracts.

When checking out, I try to be respect the fact that an employee is working. So, if there's a line at the checkout, I may just quickly slip the cashier a gospel tract while thanking them politely for their help. But there was no line! A door of greater opportunity? It turned out to be.

Her name tag said, "Sandy." Even better, below it she had a pin attached to her vest that was a little lamp that actually lit up. With a warm and friendly greeting I asked Sandy how she was doing as I laid my groceries on the checkout counter. She responded with a friendly reply.

I then asked if she was the light of the world. Naturally, she paused and looked at me as if to ask, "What?" I pointed to the light on her vest and asked if she was the light of the world? Again, she looked at me quizzically. I asked if she had ever heard that saying before. She said it sounded familiar.

I asked if she followed Jesus. She said she did. I told her that's what Jesus called his followers in Matthew 5. He said to them, "you are the light of the world." Sandy said she didn't know that's what Jesus called his followers.

I then asked if she knew what Jesus said to do in order to become the light of the world. Sandy said she'd been to catechism as a girl, but couldn't remember. I was moving the conversation to explore whether she understood the gospel and what Jesus said to do in order to be born again into a saved Jesus follower. I pulled a gospel tract out of my wallet, handed it to her, and said in it she could find the answer to the question. Sandy took it, looked at it, looked back up at me, and asked enthusiastically if she could keep it. I said, "Of course! It's for you."

I then asked if she was attending church anywhere. She said she hadn't been in a long time, but had visited a couple of different churches. I made some suggestions for her. She thanked me while she finished sacking my groceries. And I thanked her for her help and wished her a great day!

The next time I see Sandy at that grocery store, I'll see if she read the tract and got the answer to her question. I'll also try to see if she acted upon by repenting of her sins and trusting in Jesus Christ alone for her salvation (Matt. 4:17; Mk. 1:15; Jn. 3). Only then will she truly have the Spirit of Christ in her life in order to provide true light to a world in darkness.

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