THE MISSION: Bring Great Glory to a Great Savior by telling people what Jesus did for great sinners and inspiring others to do the same.

April 28, 2019

Her Name is Manna

Even getting a haircut can be a mission trip. Shortly before Easter, I went to get my hair cut. After the cut, the woman taking my payment was extraordinarily enthusiastic. I complemented her excellent attitude and service. It caused me to think she may be a Christian.

But I've learned you can't assume someone is born again. So I asked what her name is, hoping that being warm and friendly may help swing the conversation to the gospel. 

Her answer opened the door perfectly: "Manna," she said. "Really? That's awesome," I responded in amazement. "Do you know what your name means," I asked. "Yes," she said, "bread from heaven." "That's right," I answered. "Do you know how your name relates to Easter," I asked. She thought for a moment, but said she didn't. 

I explained that Jesus said he was the true bread who came down from heaven to give eternal life to all who partake of him and that he made a way for us to have eternal life through his death on the cross for our sins and through his resurrection, which we celebrate at Easter. I asked if she believed Jesus died for her sins and rose again to prove it's true, and she said she did. I asked Manna if she had repented of her sins and trusted in Jesus alone as her savior. She said she had. "That's great," I replied. 

I then pulled out a "God's Plan" tract from my wallet and asked her if she knew the steps in God's plan for her life. She wasn't sure, so I gave her the tract and encouraged her to check it out.

Step 1 is salvation. Unless we're born again we won't see the Kingdom of Heaven (John 3:3).

Step 2 is transformation to become more like Jesus as we follow him (Matt. 4:19; Rom. 12; 2 Pet. 3:18), learn the truth of God's Word (John 8:31-32), and obey it as best we can with God's grace and strength (Matt. 7:24-25). This step requires participating in a community of other believers who are committed to following Jesus with their lives (Heb. 10:25).

Step 3 is mobilization for spreading the gospel in order to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-48). As we are transformed to be more like Jesus, we will naturally want to fulfill his mission of seeking to save all who are lost while we still have time (Luke 19:10).

Step 4 is glorification. Either we will be caught up to meet Jesus if he returns before we die and will always be with the Lord in heaven and then in his Kingdom (1 Thes. 4:16-18) or we will receive glorified, heavenly bodies and enter the Kingdom after we die (1 Cor. 15:35-58). No matter what we may face in life, we always have this sure hope that floods our soul with joy inexpressible.

This past week, I stopped by and saw Manna. We greeted each other warmly. There was clearly a special bond already. We talked about how our Easter holidays went with our families. I then asked if she had a chance to read the "God's Plan" tract. She had and said she and her husband had found a small church they started attending. "That's great," I said enthusiastically. She had other customers to serve, so we wished each other well. 

I pray God's doing a great work in Manna's life!

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